#i have a whole ''HOW TO TIME TRAVEL'' arsenal but none of my usual strategies are gonna work here. so we gotta adapt.
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puff-the-bunny · 2 days ago
Trying a new epic time travel tech where I force myself into appointment brain
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lamperougez · 5 years ago
flirt spar
title: flirt spar pairing: aleheather - total drama series summary: just aleheather being aleheather. notes: takes place after total drama world tour ep 22.
“I fully intend to kick your butt.” “And I yours. But for now, I suggest we work together, temporarily. To ensure we’re kicking each other’s butt in the finale.”
“It is truly a honor to be in first class twice in a row.” They had just accessed the so yearned booming section, surprisingly good maintained given the state of the plane they were currently traveling on. Alejandro walked a few steps behind her, in a gesture of sham appreciation towards Heather’s benevolent, or assumably ulterior, invite.
“Yeah, you’re lucky I’m a faithful alliance mate and kind enough to bring you here with me even though you chose Cody then.” Heather chided, taking no time in plopping down on the nearest leathern lounge and making herself comfortable like she never wanted to leave her seat again. Economic class was quite an experience, and she really didn’t want to go through it again.
“And for that, I humbly express my gratefulness, although I’m not so sure if ‘kind’ and ‘faithful’ are appropriate adjectives for you, señorita.” He stood a few inches away, not so sure if taking the free seat next to her would be a good choice for his heart since he’d have to inevitably get rid of her in due time.
“I see you’re well-off enough to drop the gentleman facade. Although it’s not like I’d fall for it anyway.” The provocative look that followed her every sardonic remark was enough for him to make up his mind; he would get as much of Heather as he could before their doomed from the start flirt-rivalry ended.
As Heather leaned back to make herself comfortable Alejandro took the seat across from hers, and she obviously didn’t flush at the sight of the sly smile tugging at his alluring lips.
“Oh, don’t misjudge me so roughly,” He spoke nonchalantly, sultry voice as enticing as aways “Despite my strategically detailed and efficacious winning strategy, I am and always will be a true gentleman.”
“Of course, so gentlemanly of you to stuck a girl’s tongue to a pole.” She meant no truce, and if he complied, they could go on with the taunting non-stop until reaching their next bizarre destination where another crappy challenge awaited.
“I have no idea of what you’re talking about,” Alejandro put on his best innocent look “Bridgette’s pole kissing tendencies are none of my business as much as they’re none of yours.”
Here they were, for the first time alone with a scopious, fancy and conveniently private allowance just for them. The air was beseted with tension, not necessarily in a unpleasant way, in reality they were both very content with the current arrangements, although this gratification would never materialize itself in spoken syllables by either.
“You have a surprisingly good way with words.” She frowned, because indeed he could possibly talk his way out of any adverse situation. A challenging ability for her to surpass.
“It’s a pleasure to heart that,” Despite the scheming facade, Alejandro undeniably meant his words “Especially coming from you.”
“Don’t get all uppish, it wasn’t a compliment.” Heather grunted, annoyed at the slightly redness that refused to leave her pale checks. That damn heated weather, she hated it and the way it made her feel all too hot and tingly.
“Ouch, how come such beauty is combined with remarkably rude manners? That is one fascinating mystery I’d love to disclose.”
“You wish you would.” She narrowed her mat grey eyes at his jade ones.
“I think I will.”
Heather’s heart missed a few beats, and she cursed internally because this was her goddamn game and he was so fucking good, and probably overcoming her, at it.
But she refused to admit defeat, her arsenal of witty comebacks composed most of her everyday vocabulary and she was ready to blast him with her top tier munition.
“That’s unlikely, for I have a feeling you’ll be taking the drop of shame in no time.” And she actively planned on accomplishing said forecast.
“Well then,” He went on unfazed “I suppose I’d have to take care of that right now.”
She was mute for a few seconds, processing the implications of his statement and fighting to repress the unwanted excitement that sparkled within her nerves. He had a natural kick in jolting her emotions.
Maybe it’d be best for her to take a break. Once Heather recollected her thoughts and forced her heart to calm the fuck down, he better be ready for retaliation.
“Too bad for you I’m getting my beauty sleep right now.” She retreated a hot pink sleep mask from her nearby purse “Don’t dare wake me.”
“Ah, what a turnoff.” Alejandro forced an expected sigh.
“Shut up, I’m starting to regret bringing you with me.” Heather snuggled back into the lounge, genuinely trying to fall asleep but conscious that she would have trouble in succeeding, especially with that lascivious voice ringing in her ears.
“I promise you won’t; we still have quite some time before the arrival and I’ll be sure to keep you enthralled.” Heather could almost hear the smirk in his voice.
“Now I really don’t want to wake up ever again.” She snorted with a hint of playfulness.
“I find it cute when you pretend like you’re not completely into me.” He hummed mischievously.
She snapped back up, snagging the sleeping mask away and scowling incredulously at him.
“Excuse me, mister modesty, but it seems you’re the one who just can’t seem to get enough of me.”
It was his turn to blush, and she enjoyed the privileged view.
“I presume you certainly need some sleep,” He coughed quietly, averting his eyes from her to the indigo sky framed by the plane window “You’re being more delirious than usual.”
“Deny all you want, we both know the truth.” She eyed him challengingly, tone dripping with satisfaction. She could die in peace now, knowing that at least she had managed to make sir flirt flustered.
“Oh, I agree. We both know the truth all too well.” Alejandro regained his cool composure and took no time in engaging in their usual subjective quarrel.
“Indeed we do.”
They took time to just stare straight at each other, eyes shining with mischief, as if in a showdown to determine whose gaze would avert first. It would probably be a long spar, considering that they were each other’s favorite pastime, but they had the whole day and night, and would make sure to enjoy this singular moment before they were inevitably at each other’s throats next day.
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neokad · 5 years ago
The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker! (HD Turbo Championship Edition)
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Hi everybody!
As I plan to revisit many Zelda games I haven't played in years (or at all!) in the upcoming months, I finished what used to be one of the most controversial titles in the series for the second time, and the first in four years! And to my shock considering what I've heard about this adventure over time, I fell in love with it all over again 💗
I'd actually like to start this humble review with this analogy: What surprised me the most while replaying this game, is how its overall structure and world are. I feel like the best way to describe this game is like this: A perfectly balanced mix - as all things should be - between a classic Zelda quest, and the much more revolutionary Breath of the Wild. Now, I gotta say, it may be strange to some people to compare an older title to a newer one to describe it, but I promise it'll at least somewhat make sense at the end of this review... I hope O_O
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But hey, we might as well review the plot early as usual! Well, there honestly isn't a lot to this story as usual for most Zelda games, but it is pretty solid regardless. Basically, as the ambient intro of the game teaches you, the ancient land of Hyrule got flooded by the gods, as Ganondorf tried to conquer the land with no Hero opposing him. And ever since that event, the world has been flooded with the Great Sea, only leaving many small islands and some people behind to rebuild the world. And so, many years after this happened, we find this game’s Link on his 12th birthday, wearing the “Hero of Time’’s clothes for the occasion as a longheld tradition. BUT, as this supposed happy day happens, his sister Aryll gets kidnapped by a giant flying bird to the Forsaken Fortress - as many other young girls. Naturally, Link tries to go save her with the help of Tetra - another young girl that escaped captivity thanks to her crew of pirates. With the help of her companions and their ship, Link sets out for the fortress, but as he is clearly underpowered, he gets demolished there by none other than Ganondorf, and washes up ashore, unconscious on Windfall Island, greeted by... a talking red boat! And this same boat tells him he must collect the Three Pearls of the Gods in order to gain access to the Master Sword, to finally save the kidnapped girls! This is not the whole plot of course, as I’m hiding some actual plot twists from you, the reader, buuuut I will say that while it’s not the most developed tale out there, it’s well done! But I feel like what drives this the most is certainly the art style and the characters themselves. See, I firmly believe this game has the best Link in the ENTIRE SERIES, no questions asked! He’s expressive, funny, endearing and he just looks so dang adorable! Part of his charm is definitively thanks to the situations he’s put in, but I think it’s mostly because of the game’s artstyle. IT’S BEAUTIFUL
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Yes, granted, it’s not nearly as detailed as many games you’ve probably played, but the cartoony style they chose for Wind Waker really makes the locales pop out, and made the slapstick in the game that much more endearing! Plus, some of those shots just look, well, breathtaking really.
Speaking of character expressions and slapstick, I also believe Wind Waker possesses a very memorable set of NPCs as well! Be it the employee in the battleship game with his twofaced personality, or anyone involved in the many sidequests all over the islands, I’ve built lots of memories just traveling all around the sea, reading and delivering letters, just to get to know those people more! And it turned out that a good chunk of them gave me a good time!
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Well, let’s talk about those travels, shall we? Wind Waker got (in?)famous over the years for having sailing. Lots of it. And especially in the original Gamecube version, it made travelling slow and boring to some as a result. Basically, you needed to constantly change the direction of the wind in order to travel as quickly as you could. Suffice to say, switching the wind’s directions this often got irksome pretty quickly : P Thankfully, the HD port on the Wii U does give you an optional Fast Sail in a side quest! As early as the second island in the game! Which means that those who found the sailing unbearable in the original will have a better experience ^^ But regardless, there’s a lot of sailing in this game, which is what replaces running/rolling around on the overworld. And instead of having different regions, they’re all replaced by 49 islands of different sizes and importance! And this is where my BOTW comparison will shine~ I think this game is pretty close in spirit to Breath of the Wild in some ways. Sure, unlike in that game, you’re locked to a certain sequence of items/dungeon/progression, just like a classic Zelda experience! BUT!  Wind Waker also allows you to explore 40+ non-important islands, and sailing between them in anticipation of what you might find there is suuuuch a good feeling! Plus, there’s many treasure chests to loot (both major and minor) while you’re travelling on the big blue. Due to how much you can find in your way off the main quest - while being far away from the suggested path the game wants you to do at the moment - gives this game a very open feeling despite still having a linear quest to it! And I think this element of discovery and exploration in a linear format - coupled with the great visuals and ambience the sailing offered - made this game so, so, so much fun to play <3
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But what about the gameplay and dungeons themselves? Well thankfully, they’re both quite good as well! What I like most is how much of an improvement swordplay got compared to Ocarina of Time. Not only are the enemies generally more diversified in strategies and design, Link also received many new moves to his arsenal, and those made combat so much more intense and exciting! Though it did make the game very easy overall thanks to having so many options... alongside you not taking very much damage for most of the game :P Still, the dungeons made up for this! They’re quite fun and pretty well paced, and each offer some quite nice ambience as well!  Although I will say that the late part of the game has two dungeons with pretty similar concept, which while fun in their own right, did feel a little uninspired despite them having clever puzzles :/ On a semi unrelated note, the intro sequence at the Forsaken Fortress has you playing a stealth sequence, and you coming back to it later while able to defend yourself was a high point for me!
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I do want to leave a quick note about the music, and honestly? It’s pretty great as well! Like I pointed out earlier, the dungeons create some very fitting atmosphere, but as soon as you’re outside them, many of the main islands have some very pretty, energetic music that is PERFECT for a Zelda game (especially Dragon Roost Island), and the Great Sea theme is very adventurous and grandiose, which motivates you even more to set out and explore! Though it’s somewhat strange that many smaller locations have no music at all, which makes sense to be fair, since those islands are usually pretty small from the outside ^^
Overall? I expected to only like this game, but I ended up adoring it! The Wind Waker is a marvelous journey that leaves a lot open to the player about how they approach the game, while still giving you enough of a compass to never be lost! And a competent story with charming characters and great music certainly help to make that adventure all the more memorable! Though I suggest you all should play the HD version if you can, since it has the fast sail and better looks. BUT, it also heavily tones down the infamous lategame Triforce fetch quest. (While it did not make much sense story-wise since you could just do spoiler without it before, I didn’t find it all that bad in the HD version since you can do some of it before having completed all other dungeons in the game ^^ But yes, HD or not, this is a grand adventure! Play it! 9/10
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gbhw1hec · 8 years ago
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“Discover A PROVEN System for Getting High Ticket Leads Literally Dropping into Your Inbox, Ready to buy

forget Cold Calling, Beating Down Doors or Any other Client Chasing Methods! Watch the Video Below to Learn More
[GET] Local Lead Drop DOWNLOAD
Start Today
Leads Come to YOU
No “Selling” Needed
System Closes 40%
These Leads are RED HOT and Looking to Buy High Ticket Marketing Services NOW

When these leads drop into your inbox or smartphone they are actively looking to buy marketing services!
You don’t have to go looking for them at all because this lead source finds them for you and sends them straight to you!
What’s awesome is you are only ever competing against four other providers meaning you have a 20% chance of winning the job from the jump!
The best part is when you follow our system you can easily close over 40% of the deals you bid on!
Plus you don’t have to do any hard “selling” to close the deal, it’s like taking an order!
And they literally Drop into Your Inbox within Hours of Getting Started

It’s super easy to set this up for yourself and you can have leads coming in for whatever services you offer within hours of signing up!
Even if you don’t have a portfolio or are just getting started you can still make this work for you, in fact we show you exactly howto do that!
Can you imagine how nice it would be to wake up everyday to leads like these pouring into your inbox?
Gone are the days of beating down doors, sending out mass mailings, cold calling or any of that nonsense.
Why would you even worry about that when you can have leads like these flowing in daily
We sure don’t :)
“Landing High Ticket Clients Has Never Been So Easy
Neil Macpherson here on behalf of myself and my partner Robert Dickson

We’ll be the first ones to admit it wasn’t always this easy to land clients. In fact we’d both been at this for years when we finally stumbled upon a better way to get leads coming our way.  
Both Robert and I started from scratch with nothing more than some basic knowledge and ambition just like you. 
Neil Macpherson
Robert Dickson
I started my client business from my grandmothers Kitchen table. Robert Started his from his parents basement.
Between the two of us we have a combined 20 years of experience landing and servicing clients. 
We understand how “the game” works. Both of us built our client bases from scratch and these days we work together.
In the beginning we both experienced the same struggles that all marketers go through when trying to get a client business off the ground.
With no portfolio or resources to speak of you just have to do whatever you can to drum up business and that’s a tough way to go.
We’ve been down that road where you chase down clients, begging them to buy your services
it sucks.
Clients can smell the desperation miles away and you often end up charging less than what your worth, working more hours than you expected and frustrated as heck by the end of the day.
The whole reason we got into this “game” was to not have a “JOB” but when you do business the way most do, it ends up being nothing more than that.
That’s why both of knew there had to be a better way and eventually it “clicked” for us. We realized the key to this game was

“The Key is to Focus EXCLUSIVELY on Lead Gen Methods that Get Prospects Coming to YOU, Ready to Buy
We both hate traditional “selling” and only look for methods that allow us to close deals in a way that’s more like “taking an order”.  
We Definitely don’t

Cold Call EVER!
Drop In (door to door)
Get on the Phone Unless We Have to
 Or ANY Other Client Chasing Methods!
Any marketer their salt who takes on clients will tell you thatreferrals are the #1 way to land business over time.
A lead that was referred to you by a trusted source and has a budget ready to go is the best type of lead you can have come in.

but how do you get those referrals coming in the first place?

and what happens when your referral sources dry up or slow down?
Exactly. No business, no income and back to the drawing board.
That’s why you need a steady stream of leads that you can tap into anytime you need to or as much as you want.
Can you imagine what it would be like if you could land clients like clockwork by simply checking your email and following a simple system?
Then what if you combined that with a referral strategy that allowed you to consistently turn each new client into more clientsexpanding your reach exponentially?
That’s what our methods are all about

Over the years we’ve built a sizable network that brings us referrals on a regular basis but the anytime business slows down all we have to do is check our inbox with fresh hot leads waiting to buy.
“When you combine a Powerful Lead Gen System with a Potent Referral Strategy Your Client Base Will Explode
Ok guys, this sounds great but how do I make that happen?
First you need to know where to tap into and how to get these leads coming into your inbox THEN you need to know what to do with those leads!
What exactly should you offer? How much should you charge?
Should you set up call? What should you say?
Should you go to their office? Do you have to?
When should you “upsell” them and WHAT should you upsell?
We get it, there is a lot to figure out and it can be overwhelming at times. We’ve been working at it for years and it still feels that way sometimes.
We have tirelessly tested our sources, systems and backend setups in order to develop the best possible system for closing deals like clockwork and getting those clients to rave about us.
Over the years we’ve tried it all from Craigslist, to Facebook, Adwords..you name it. NONE of them even compare to how easily you can land clients using this “email drop” system.
Not only do the leads come to straight to us, but

We’ve developed a fine tuned system for closing Leads Like these at 40% Like Clockwork

Without giving too much away, here is the System in a nutshell

Find the Right Projects
Stand Out from the Crowd
Use the 4-Step Bidding Process
Follow a Simple Closing System
We look for high ticket projects, usually starting at $1k and up meaning we don’t even mess with people who have small budgets.
Then we use our “Secret Weapon” to quickly and easily stand out from the crowd. Super easy and works like a charm.
Then we follow a simple bidding process that wins consistently and follow a simple closing process that removes any need for high pressure sales.
That’s really all it takes to close these leads like clockwork, easily over 40%.
Can you imagine what it would be like to get leads like this dropping in your inbox? 
And what would happen if you KNEW you could close them with ease?
Let’s break down what closing just ONE high ticket lead a week could do for your business
.and your life. 
We only focus on leads that have a budget of at least $1k on the front end. 
We do this because we know we can deliver amazing service and turn them into a monthly client that is also another referral source. 
Here is how it might look for you

Land 1 client a week for $1,000 project. 
Out of the 4 clients you land that month, upsell 50% into monthly marketing (2) at $1,000 a month.
That would be $6k in the first month. 
Rinse and repeat, you can likely do the math from there. 
It’s easy to see you can rapidly grow your business to the point where you can do the things you really want to do like quit your job, travel, spend more time with family or whatever floats your boat. 
The bottom line is just a handful of high quality clients each month can lead to a massive boost in business and have a huge positive impact on your life. 
So now that you know what’s possible when you have high quality leads coming to you ready to buy, let me show you how we can help

Start Today
Leads Come to YOU
No “Selling” Needed
System Closes 40%
The Local Lead Drop training is a complete guide to getting RED HOT leads dropping into YOUR Inbox just like us. Then we show you how to convert those leads like clockwork and turn them into longtime paying clients. We even show you how to expand your business rapidly using systematic referral strategies.
Here are Just a Few of the Things You’ll Learn Inside

The exact source we use to get these leads and how you can tap into it today! No waiting around to get leads coming in, you can literally have them pouring in within hours.
How to set yourself up for success from the beginning, even if you are just getting started and don’t have a single client yet!
How to find the best projects to bid on so that you give yourself the best chance to close at high rate. Also how to avoid the tire kickers so you don’t waste your time or money.
Our 4-Step Bidding process that wins projects over 40% of the time. Only 5 providers, that’s you, can bid on a given project so you start out with a 20% chance but our system doubles that.
Our Secret Weapon that helps us stand out from the crowd immediately. We’ve been using this for years to close deals and it flat out works. Once you have this in your arsenal closing deals becomes a breeze.
The simple yet effective system we use for closing these deals without ever doing any hard selling. In fact, it doesn’t even feel like “closing” more like taking an order.
How and When to Upsell these prospects into monthly marketing services. Not only will you be able to make great money up front but you can also leverage this lead source into a monthly income source.
Plus we’ve included a killer bonus training that breaks down how to offer one of the hottest high end services out there, Video Advertising.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get When You Buy Today

Quick Start Guide
To help you get started TODAY, we’ve put together an easy to follow Guide that will help you digest the system quickly.
Video Training Series
We break down each step in complete detail using “over the shoulder” training videos hosted in a private members area.
Rapid Fire Templates
One of the keys to our system is responding the these leads quickly and professionally in a way that stands out from the crowd immediately. These templates make it easy to do just that.
Mastermind Group
We won’t just hand you the system and send you on your way. By picking up Local Lead Drop Today you’ll also get instant access to our private mastermind group full of like minded marketers.
We’ve included everything you need to fully understand and implement our system within hours of getting access. You get our complete step-by-step training in both a video series and quick start guide that breaks down the system. Plus you get our “Rapid Fire Templates” which have been fine tuned to convert like crazy and you get access to our private mastermind group to boot!
Even if you just landed one client this training would pay for itself ten fold but the truth is, we expect you to land a lot more than one client. We know this works because we’ve tested and proven it to the tune of $50k in business.
Get access today and start getting these red hot leads dropping into your inbox daily. Plus get our complete system for closing these high ticket leads like Clockwork

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Limited Time Only.
Plus We’ve Included Some Killer Bonuses To Give you a Massive Advantage

In addition to helping you find and close high ticket leads, we wanted to give you the insider advantage of knowing how to offer one of the Hottest HIGH TICKET backend services you can offer, YouTube Ads. To do that we brought in one of the industry leading experts, Justin Sardi, to break it all down for you in this exclusive bonus training!
Bonus #1 – Adwords for Video – Local Edition ($497 Value)
Once you get these leads you are going to want to sell them high end monthly marketing services and YouTube Ads is theHOTTEST SERVICE you can offer right now.
To show you the ropes of offering Adwords for Video as a service to local businesses we brought in one of the leading industry experts to show you how it’s done.
You learn everything from prospecting, setting up the campaigns with Geo-targeting, pricing and delivering the service to the client.
There is no other course out there teaching this right now making this bonus easily worth the price of admission to Local Lead Drop on it’s own!
Bonus #2 – Video Ads Case Study with Expert Justin Sardi ($97 Value)
In addition to the pre-recorded Adwords for Video (local) training we also convinced Justin to jump on a live call with you for in depth training on how you can use YouTube to get leads for your clients.
On this exclusive live training you will learn the drop dead simple formula for generating on demand traffic, sales, leads, subscribers, for your or your clients business.
These methods are all backed by proof (case studies) and caneasily be duplicated in any business or niche you can think of!
And Now for the Icing on the Cake We’ve Included TWO More Bonuses you are going to love

We aren’t just going to send hand you our training and send you out there on your on
we’re going to work with you to see you be successful!
In addition to giving all the training you need to make this work we are also going to work with you on a live call and in our mastermind group

Bonus #3 – Like Minded Mastermind Group ($97 Value)
In addition to giving you all the training, tools and support you need to make this work we are also giving you access to our Mastermind Group.
In this group you’ll find like minded marketers that are also taking on clients just like you. Get feedback, listen to others success stories or connect with others in the group!
Bonus #4 – Live Group Coaching ($197 Value)
For the final bonus we are going to host a live group coachingwhere we will cover the key aspects of the course and take any questions you may have.
During this time we can give you specific advice on how to make this system work for you and discuss referral strategies to expand your business further.
With everything we’ve included here today, you’ll be ready to start landing high ticket clients immediately. Whether your goal is to quit your day job or just boost your business, Local Lead Drop will help you do that. 
It doesn’t stop there though, with the complete bonus package we’ve put together you’ll be ahead of the curve by being able to offer one of the hottest services out there, YouTube Ads for Businesses.  Plus, you’ll also be able to grow exponentially through the power of masterminding with likeminded people on a regular basis. 
This method has brought in thousands and thousands in business over the last year for us and we know it can work for you. 
We could easily charge $1,000 for this course and if you just landed one client from what you learned (easy) it wouldpay for itself. 
At $297 it would still be a steal.
Because we want to see you be successful, we’ve decided to make this available for a limited time at a FRACTION of what it will sell for later. 
Get access right now and we’ll see you on the inside

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